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It’s My Wedding And I Have Acne. Not For Long!

It is finally happening! I am getting married, and it will be glorious. Now, that I’m in my bride mode, I’m continually browsing Pinterest for ideas and planning everything about the wedding, even though it is not on until next year.

Obviously, being the worrier that I am, I’m always thinking about what can go wrong. I’m not worried about the possibility of rain, me not being able to shed some weight and fit into the perfect dress.

No. My dread has to do with the old enemy that has been with me ever since my puberty – acne.

I don’t want to allow this annoying and painful problem to ruin my wedding and my wedding photos. That’s why I went to my dermatologist and asked them if there is anything I could do to prevent and treat an acne outburst.

There are no guarantees, of course, but we have devised a year-long routine that should minimize the chances of my face flaring up on my happy day. Here is how it goes.

Starting Right Away (a Year before My Wedding)

We agreed that I need to be meticulous about my daily skin regimen, starting today. Every day, I need to clean, exfoliate, and moisturize my face. Also, I am never to leave my home without the SPF on my face. That’s more or less what I’ve been doing anyway.

The new thing is going to the esthetician regularly. I book a face spa day with my friends, and it’s fantastic. I am lucky that I don’t have to use prescribed medicine for my acne, but if you do, always consult your dermatologist before seeing an esthetician. 

In Two Months (10 Months Before My Wedding)

This is when I should book my makeup artist. I want a great and skilled makeup artist who has a lot of experience working with ladies with problematic and sensitive skin. These professionals are hard to get since they are booked throughout the year. That’s why ten months ahead is an excellent time to start looking for the perfect pro for your big day.

In 6 Months (6 Months Before My Wedding)

This is saved for another appointment with my dermatologist. By this time, we should know if the prescribed treatment is working or not and whether my acne is responding to it. There is still time to tweak it or try something new if my skin doesn’t clear out or shows no signs of improvement.

In 8 Months (4 Months Before My Wedding)

I know this is where my stress levels are about to peak. I’ve learned from experience that acne and stress are related. The more I stress the chances are acne will flare up. I just cannot afford it, because I don’t want to be forced to cover up the marks and scars on my wedding day.

That’s why I have a stress relief plan. I made a list of all the things that relax me. Yoga, meditation, walks, smooth jazz and camomile tea being some of them. Whenever I feel the time of stress coming, I’ll just indulge in some of the stuff from the list. I might even keep this strategy and make it a part of my life in general.

In 10 Months (2 Months Before My Wedding)

As the wedding approaches, it will be challenging to keep up with my facial regimen, but I have to persevere. I cannot afford to skip a day of my face care, an appointment with my dermatologist or a facial. I just need to keep that on my mind.

In 11 Months (a Month Before My Wedding)

This is when I’ll have my last facial before the wedding. You don’t want to do it too near your wedding because there may be some redness, puffy skin and similar stuff going on on your face. Give your face the time to recover from the treatment entirely. If you want to go to the face spa, opt for a face massage rather than a facial treatment.

Bride In The Car | Skinn Bar

The Last Week Before the Wedding

Generally, this is the week in which I just want to admire the results of my hard work and diligent face care regimen. Whatever happens – no squeezing, no popping, and no experimenting with new treatments of products.

However, if it is remotely possible, I plan to get a cortisone shot two days before the wedding. This shot is given when you need to get rid of acne fast, but I plan to use it as a precaution.

On the wedding day itself, I just plan on having my makeup done by a professional and enjoy it all. Even if I have an outbreak, it will not the end of the world, especially when I know I really did my best to prevent it. After all, I’ll choose the best makeup artist I can find, and they can do wonders with the concealer and other products.
